DIY - Customizing Your Shirt!

Hi everybody!
This weeks video shows you how you can make your own awesome shirt, using only fabric paint, a shirt, some paper and scissors. You can watch the video here, you can read on to see some more ideas and tips for things you could paint on your shirt!

Some years ago, fancy tops with many colours were the most awesome things you could have. When you look around nowadays, the only thing you can see is girls wearing 'Vogue', 'Chanel' and 'Céline'-shirts. They are awesome, and really easy to recreate.
Another thing you could paint onto your shirt, is text. Do you really like a band, singer, or song? Be inspired! When you love a certain artist, quote a sentence he/she ever said. When you really love a song, paint the lyrics onto your shirt!
Pop-arting a person is really easy too. For instance, if you'd like to have John Lennon on your shirt, simple Google on 'John Lennon pop-art' and cut out the black sections. Voilà! Your personal John Lennon shirt is ready.

When you have any more suggestions, leave them down below!

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